AtoZ Online: Requirements of Zero Carbon Transition Plans

AtoZ Online: Requirements of Zero Carbon Transition Plans

Nov 21, 2023
10 - 11:30am
Presented by:
Event Type:
Event Format:
Online event
Skill Level:
$25 Member $60 Non-Member

*Registration for this event will close at 10am on November 20th

A Zero Carbon Transition Plan is a costed, strategic process for reducing onsite greenhouse gas emissions from building operations over time. An effective and actionable transition plan is not a static document but a dynamic roadmap that evolves with emerging opportunities and challenges.  They rely on a combination of prudent financial and technical considerations to guide a building or portfolio to a zero-carbon future.

CAGBC is supporting the transition planning process through its Zero Carbon Building Standards, tools, resources, and advocacy. During this live webinar, Canadian experts will discuss these CAGBC- led efforts to accelerate asset decarbonization with transition plans. 

Attendees can expect to understand:
1. Tools and resources available to support transition planning
2. What steps are involved to create a comprehensive plan from audit to              implementation 
3. How to weave the technical improvements to the financial picture to obtain executive buy-in

Event Location

Online-Nation Wide
Vancouver BC