There is currently a growing trend in the construction industry to specify materials with low embodied carbon emissions to help decarbonize the building sector and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
In the second ZEBx Decarb Lunch of November 2024, Tom Place of EQUILIBRIUM will describe how to minimize carbon emissions of steel, concrete and mass timber in North America by understanding the key influence of project location, transportation, and regional availability of materials. Attendees will gain knowledge to benefit their own projects in terms of time, cost and carbon and help drive industrywide improvement through smarter selection of materials. This session will highlight pitfalls and unintended consequences from green material specification and explain how to avoid creating increased carbon emissions and supply chain issues from inefficient materials sourcing both today and with new future technologies.
Thanks to the financial support of the City of Vancouver and North Family Foundation, this event is free of charge.
Tom Place is an Associate Engineer and Sustainability lead at EQUILIBRIUM. Following on from an engineering degree at the University of Cambridge, Tom spent the first 7 years of his career designing building structures for Arup in London, UK. His experience during that time spanned multiple structural materials and project typologies – including both research and design in mass timber. At EQUILIBRIUM, Tom has a strong focus on sustainability and embodied carbon. Tom is also an active volunteer at BC’s Carbon Leadership Forum and has recently become qualified in LCA assessment through the Athena Institute. He has authored guidance for the Institution of Structural Engineers on the embodied carbon of mass timber and continues to engage with both clients and the industry to ensure buildings are designed to have the minimum environmental impact possible.
Stephanie Dalo, CLF BC
Online webinar BC