Builders for Climate Action

BEAM- Building Emissions Accounting for Materials- (subsidy avaible for BC design professionals)

Learn how to use BEAM

(Free for BC Design professionals, see below for more info)

Learn how to use our building emissions estimator to calculate the embodied carbon of your buildings. This tool will help you and your team understand your building's carbon footprint and how you can reduce it by changing the materials you build with.

▶ Our BEAM course is delivered over three 1-1/2hr sessions and will help you learn everything there is to know about BEAM.

BEAM- Building Emissions Accounting for Materials- Online Course

Learn how to use BEAM

(Free for BC Design professionals, see below for more info)

Learn how to use our building emissions estimator to calculate the embodied carbon of your buildings. This tool will help you and your team understand your building's carbon footprint and how you can reduce it by changing the materials you build with.

▶ Our BEAM course is delivered over three 1-1/2hr sessions and will help you learn everything there is to know about BEAM.

Embodied Carbon Analysis- Integrating into Your Practice Workflow

There are many great low-embodied carbon materials, and great tools to evaluate and quantify their impact.  So what’s stopping us from only building low-carbon buildings? Some of the most challenging aspects of reducing embodied carbon involve developing a good strategy for conducting the analysis, integrating the strategy into a design or construction workflow, and making sure the right people get the information they need to make better decisions. This training is designed for practitioners of all firm and project sizes in architecture, engineering, consulting, and contracting.

Introduction to BEAM v1.1- Building Emissions Accounting for Materials

Learn how to use BEAM v1.1

There's no better way to learn how to use BEAM than from the team that built it!  Our live, online course is delivered over three 1-1/2hr sessions. You will finish this course with a solid foundation in embodied carbon accounting, a full understanding of how to use BEAM and how to integrate this into your practice! 

Learn to use BEAM includes 3 live online delivery sessions with BEAM experts so that you can start using BEAM like a pro in no time! 

Embodied Carbon Analysis: Integrating into Your Practice Workflow

Through a blend of discussion and presentation, this training will focus on optimizing your practice for low-carbon outcomes. Topics include goal establishment, developing a strategy for efficient carbon analysis, different types of embodied carbon analysis throughout a design and construction process, developing a “tool stack”, data visualization and communication, and identifying and overcoming social barriers to conducting technical work.


Goal Development

BEAM v1.1 Training - Building Emissions Accounting for Materials- Online Course

Learn how to use BEAM v1.1

Learn how to use our building emissions estimator to calculate the embodied carbon of your buildings. This tool will help you and your team understand your building's carbon footprint and how you can reduce it by changing the materials you build with.

▶ Our BEAM course is delivered over three 1-1/2hr sessions and will help you learn everything there is to know about BEAM.

BEAM- Building Emissions Accounting for Materials- Online Course

More and more builders want to know: What is the carbon footprint of my building materials? And how can I reduce those impacts?

We've built the BEAM carbon estimator tool to help you, and we've made it easy to use and understand. Get real-time, up-to-date, accurate information & informative reports on all your projects.

Join our next BEAM Estimator course and learn how to calculate your building's carbon footprint.

BEAM- Building Emissions Accounting for Materials- (subsidy avaible for BC design professionals)

Learn how to use BEAM

(Free for BC Design professionals, see below for more info)

Learn how to use our building emissions estimator to calculate the embodied carbon of your buildings. This tool will help you and your team understand your building's carbon footprint and how you can reduce it by changing the materials you build with.

▶ Our BEAM course is delivered over three 1-1/2hr sessions and will help you learn everything there is to know about BEAM.