Reaching Future Performance Targets Using Fundamental Enclosure Concepts Workshop

Does the mindset for residential construction today correlate with the performance targets of tomorrow … simply put … No! High performance residential buildings need to be highly durable, but what type of enclosure assemblies will meet future energy demand requirements? What are the renewable details associated with typical 15-20-year building enclosure assets (e.g., deck/balcony membranes and sloped roof systems)? How can you gain experience with new high-performance building performance methods before taking on your next project?

Reaching Future Performance Targets Using Fundamental Enclosure Concepts Workshop

Does the mindset for residential construction today correlate with the performance targets of tomorrow … simply put … No! High performance residential buildings need to be highly durable, but what type of enclosure assemblies will meet future energy demand requirements? What are the renewable details associated with typical 15-20-year building enclosure assets (e.g., deck/balcony membranes and sloped roof systems)? How can you gain experience with new high-performance building performance methods before taking on your next project?

Mind the Gap: Preventing failures in HVAC and Airtightness Workshop

This one-day course will take a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.  The content will focus on practical strategies for effective design, proper selection and installation of mechanical systems, and airtightness.

Mind the Gap: Preventing failures in HVAC and Airtightness Workshop

This one-day course will take a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.  The content will focus on practical strategies for effective design, proper selection and installation of mechanical systems, and airtightness.

Reaching Future Performance Targets Using Fundamental Enclosure Concepts (In-Person) - Nelson

Does the mindset for residential construction today correlate with the performance targets of tomorrow … simply put … No! High performance residential buildings need to be highly durable, but what type of enclosure assemblies will meet future energy demand requirements? What are the renewable details associated with typical 15-20-year building enclosure assets (e.g., deck/balcony membranes and sloped roof systems)? How can you gain experience with new high-performance building performance methods before taking on your next project?

Mind the Gap: Preventing failures in HVAC and Airtightness Workshop

This one-day course will take a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.  The content will focus on practical strategies for effective design, proper selection and installation of mechanical systems, and airtightness.

Reaching Future Performance Targets Using Fundamental Enclosure Concepts Workshop - BURNABY

Does the mindset for residential construction today correlate with the performance targets of tomorrow … simply put … No! High performance residential buildings need to be highly durable, but what type of enclosure assemblies will meet future energy demand requirements? What are the renewable details associated with typical 15-20-year building enclosure assets (e.g., deck/balcony membranes and sloped roof systems)? How can you gain experience with new high-performance building performance methods before taking on your next project?

Mind the Gap: Preventing failures in HVAC and Airtightness Workshop

This one-day course will take a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.  The content will focus on practical strategies for effective design, proper selection and installation of mechanical systems, and airtightness.

Mind the Gap: Preventing failures in HVAC and Airtightness Workshop

This one-day course will take a deeper dive into the BC Energy Step Code metrics for Part 9 buildings and how to achieve Step 3 and higher through design and building techniques to build better and minimize costs.  The content will focus on practical strategies for effective design, proper selection and installation of mechanical systems, and airtightness.