HPSC Contractor Forum

The Home Performance Stakeholder Council's (HPSC) annual Contractor Forum is back and for the first time, we are heading to beautiful Vancouver Island!

Businesses and individuals from across the home performance industry will be in attendance including HVAC, insulation, windows and doors, energy advising, and general retrofit. The day will offer plenty of networking opportunities, as well as learning and engagement sessions.

Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Who Should Attend?

Contractor Dialogue: Making Retrofit Policy Work for People Who Do the Actual Work

Many of Canada’s current climate policies for homes are focused on providing rebates and incentives to homeowners via programs. While helpful for homeowners, for contractors these stop-start inventive programs are disruptive, creating uncertainty and hurting business practices.

Is there a better way?

Yes! This interactive seminar presents a case for why it is time to consider business support policies for the residential retrofit sector, using results from a research project developed by Efficiency Canada. 

Contractor Forum

Join businesses and individuals from across the home performance industry for a day of networking, engagement, and learning. Representatives from the HVAC, insulation, windows and doors, energy advising, and general retrofit sectors will be in attendance, plus, government and utility rebate program administrators will be on site to answer questions and welcome feedback.

Who Should Attend?

Contractor Forum

Join the HPSC for a day of interactive presentations, networking, and opportunities to help shape the future of the home performance industry in BC.

Topics will include:

  • tools and resources to support your retrofit business,
  • home performance in action - real stories and case studies,
  • networking across industry sectors,
  • the future of home performance in BC, and more!

Detailed agenda and list of guest speakers to be announced soon.

Contractors' Forum

Save the date for this year's annual Contractors' Forum. Connect with your industry peers, network with industry stakeholders, learn about exciting industry updates, and more. 

Due to ongoing COVID-related uncertainties, the event will be virtual for the second (and hopefully final!) time. Details and registration link coming soon.


Home Performance Contractor Network: Q&A and Feedback Session

Home Performance Contractor Network Q&A and Feedback Session

We want to hear from you! 

Signed up for the Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN) and have feedback to share? New to the HPCN and need answers to your questions? Confused about the HPCN and who the Home Performance Stakeholder Council is?

Bring all your questions and comments to our next engagement session. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.