Tuesday November 14 and Wednesday November 15 2023 from 10:00am-12:30pm PST
These workshop webinars will review important foundational knowledge for zero-carbon buildings, with an emphasis on the latest versions of CAGBC’s Zero Carbon Building standards. The ZCB-Design Standard v3 and the ZCB-Performance standard v2 apply to all new buildings except single and multi-family residential buildings that fall under Part 9 of the National Building Code. The requirements for both new and existing buildings will be addressed.
Topics include:
- The zero carbon balance,
- The zero carbon transition plan,
- Embodied carbon,
- Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI),
- Energy use Intensity (EUI),
- Peak demand, and
- Renewable energy
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A and interactive activities to reinforce the course material.
Please note: These sessions are not intended to provide professional level knowledge on how to develop strategies or prepare supporting documentation for program compliance.
Online-Nation Wide
Vancouver BC