Welcome to the Climate Friendly Homes Information Session!
Are you looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, while learning about building climate resilience and achieving cost saving improvements? Join us for an engaging session where the Youth Climate Corps BC Vancouver Crew will explore practical advice on boosting your home’s climate resilience.
What to Expect:
🌱Insights on lowering your home’s carbon footprint
🌱Small budget, and renter-friendly projects
🌱Extreme heat preparedness
🌱Advise on creating healthy landscapes
The Climate Friendly Home Information Sessions provide generalized recommendations for homeowners across the Lower Mainland. The YCCBC Vancouver Crew will additionally be offering FREE home assessments for residents of Vancouver’s Mount Pleasant, Riley Park, and Kensington Cedar-Cottage neighbourhoods. These visits are designed to provide more tailored advise for individuals on the ways to improve their homes existing infrastructure to increase their climate resilience. Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, our Climate Action Technicians will visit your home for a 45 minute to an hour visit, evaluating key areas, providing personal recommendations on ways to improve and areas of personal interest.
Sign Up for a Free Home Assessment Now:
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