Zero Carbon Building Standard Workshop

This live half-day workshop will review important foundational knowledge for low-carbon buildings, with an emphasis on the latest version of CAGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Standard. The requirements for both new and existing buildings will be addressed. Topics Include:

- The zero carbon balance,
- The zero carbon transition plan,
- Embodied carbon,
- Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI),
- Energy use Intensity (EUI),
- Peak demand, and
- Renewable energy

Innovation Series: Systems Thinking for Decarbonizing Retrofits

Join our panel of industry experts as they walk us through what it means to decarbonize an existing building, why systems thinking results in a better plan, and take an in-depth look into IAQ strategies; why they remain important, the benefits and challenges in an existing building, and strategies and technologies that can support optimal IAQ while managing energy efficiency.

Sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric Heating and Cooling

Accelerating To Zero: The Path To Electrification

New and existing buildings will increasingly need to rely on more sophisticated electrical systems. This session will explore the need for electrification and how innovations in building components such as heating and hot water systems and envelope improvements can help electrical grids successfully meet increasing demands as buildings decarbonize.

Sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric Heating and Cooling

Building Lasting Change

After two years of online delivery, CAGBC is excited to bring its annual conference back to an in-person format. This June 1-3, Building Lasting Change returns to Toronto’s Beanfield Centre. For many, this will be an important milestone, bringing together the green building sector for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

Our goals are simple – provide a safe experience for conference goers with plenty of opportunities to reconnect and relevant programming focused on helping Canada’s building sector Lead the Transition to Zero.